Day two brings us Natalee at Read This~Hear That.... ever wonder what's on her mind? Let's find out!
Your name: Natalee Grimaldi from Read This~Hear That
What song best describes your work ethic?
You're seriously making me choose one?! Have you not seen my blog, I'm a music junkie people. I have a song to describe every hour of my life. Ha!! Ok fine, if you insist. If I had to choose ONE song to describe my work ethic it would be: Gorilla by Bruno Mars. Yes, laugh all you want, but I'm serious as a heart attack. I'm super passionate about everything and any project I get my hands on. So, yeah "I make love like Gorillas" with all my work, it's the only way the product will turn out orgasmic ;).
What is your 'real' life job?My real life job?? Pffffft. Guys, I'm 24 years old. I'm still trying to figure things out. For now though, I'm writer for a local newspaper out in in the suburbs of L.A.
A penguin walks through that door right now wearing a sombrero. What does he say and why is he here?Penny The Penguin- "Where's your tequila?"
Me- "You came all the way from the arctic for tequila?"
Penny The Penguin- "You ever been down there? It's cold as shit."
Me- "Point taken. Patron?"
Penny The Penguin- "Whatever."
Me- "What's with the sombrero?"
Penny the Penguin- "I'm Mexican, duh."
Me- "Right. A Mexican penguin from the arctic."
Penny The Penguin- "Seriously, just get me tequila."
If you had to be a character in any book who would it be?
Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany's
Would you rather not have sex for the rest of your life or be blind?Pfft that's easy, be blind. I don't think I could live without an orgasm.
If you could only read one book for the next six months what would it be?Oooh, that's a tough one. Hmm, I'm not sure, but it would have to be some smutty goodness.
Your least favorite name for a woman's vagina in books?Oh fuck me, I read this book recently(that I refuse to name) that totally made me gag when the male lead calls his girl's vagina "oyster". I kid you not, as soon as I read that I closed the book and stopped reading. I felt bad because it was for a blog tour, but I just knew I wouldn't be able to get over that. Seriously, oyster?? Blech
Would you rather be unable to read or bald?Oh that's easy, be bald!! As much as I love my hair, and I have greaaat hair, I can't live without reading. Hello, I'm a book blogger, duh!
If you could have drinks with one author who would it be?Aww see that's not fair! I want to have a drinking fiesta with so many authors. Uhh fine, fine- I'd choose CJ Roberts, you know she wrote those disgustingly good books Captive in the Dark and Seduced in the Dark.
What is one trend in books right now that you hate?I'm not sure if it's technically a trend, but rather a common theme in stories- college virgins falling in love with the misunderstood tattooed bad boy. It's just such a trite theme already, and totally unoriginal. Besides, how many college virgins are there really? Oh! And when they finally have their sexy time, it's "amazing". Puhhhleasse! That first time is not cute at all.
What is the weirdest sex scene in a book you've ever read?Weirdest? I love weird/crazy sex scenes. The crazier, the better. Recently though, I read a sci-fi romance- it was completely by mistake too because I'm so not into sci-fi. I should have know better. Anyways, in the book the main character can't have sex without him feeling extreme pain from people's touch- I know, totally sucks right- but, his genes have been altered so even though it hurts to feel touch, he needs it to survive. So, this guy cages himself in this massive metal box, and will let women jerk him off through the bar.
Except the whole time, he's literally chained to a seat because he's having this raging fit from being touched. Yeah, that was kinda weird, but mostly I felt bad that he couldn't enjoy himself.
When you don't like a book do you give the author a head's up before your review or do you just review?I'll only give an author a heads up if the book is an ARC, or I'm reading it for a blog tour. Sometimes though, if the book is just sooo bad. I won't even mention it. Good thing is, I haven't come across one that bad.
What's your most embarrassing moment?You're not going to believe this, but I don't have one. Anything that's remotely embarrassing I just laugh through it.
If they made a reality tv show about you what would it be about or called?I'm not cool enough, or even entertaining enough, to have my own reality show.
How did you get into blogging and/or why did you start your blog?I've always loved to read, and I've always loved to write- thing is, I love music just as much. I had already started writing mini reviews on Goodreads, but I thought the concept of combining book playlists with the reviews would be awesome. So I decided to create a blog, but like all newbies it was difficult to get myself
noticed. Then, I read this killer good book, Consequences by Aleatha Romig. That book was sooo phenomenal, that I wrote a lengthy review and one of my most favorite playlists. Good thing too because Aleatha came across it. Long story short, she loved it, and pimped the shit out of it. She was the first author to really give me a boost of confidence, and I owe the start-up success of my blog to her.
In five words or less- Why should people read your blog?Books and music, effing awesome!
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