Friday, September 13, 2013

Drum Roll Please! Featuring R. L. Griffin!!

Because I write I always think about what other authors might be like. I clicked instantly with this sassy lady who's a phenomenal writer as well! My mini-me has Fun Friday every week and I want one too dammit so here it is. Fun quirky interview with the talented R. L. Griffin:

Which book was the hardest (or easiest) for you to write?
Tension was super easy for me to write. I mean it poured out of my brain.  Seamless was quick too, but I had to tweak it the most because I changed the ending like three times.  
If you could meet any of your own characters, who would it be?
Okay, if you would've asked me that a few months ago I would've said George, because I think he's pretty close to perfect.  However, I'm writing Heart In Wire now, which is Patrick's book and I'm falling in love with him.  (Don't tell my husband).
Do you have a favorite character among the ones you've invented?
My favorite character is Stella, she is so fucked up and apologetic for it.  In real life, you couldn't mourn for a year, people don't really let you do that.  She takes things into her own hands and does what she thinks (sometimes it's so stupid you want to yell at your kindle) is right for the people she cares about.  She makes mistakes, but owns them and doesn't let them define her, I respect that.
What question would you most like to have someone ask you?
Can I give you two million dollars or a  movie deal for your book? Bahahahahahaha
What's your favorite sexual position and why?
Any position that hits all the right spots.  Answers both questions, boo-yah.
What's your most embarrassing moment?
I seriously have a ton of these. I was on crutches once in college and was going across the gym to give the doctors excuse to my coach and one of my fucking crutches broke.  Seriously.  I did a face plant in front of the entire gym full of attractive collegiate men.  Oh the horror.
If they made a reality TV show about you what would it be about or called?
The Dumbest smart person.

What did R.L. think of this interview??? AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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