Your name: Bookie Nookie
What song best describes your work ethic? Everlong by Foo Fighters
What is your 'real' life job? Outside Sales (if you want specifics, I sell in the medical field)
A penguin walks through that door right now wearing a sombrero. What does he say and why is he here? ¡Ay, caramba! Donde el partido? Pensé que nos íbamos a llevar un esmoquin?
Translation: *Surprise*! Where’s the party? I thought we were supposed to wear a tux?
If you had to be a character in any book who would it be? *Sigh* You are the devil incarnate… How am I supposed to answer that? I’ll go with Belle from BEAUTY AND THE BEAST – The Beast is a big man and I’ll just bet he has a really big…. *ahem* hand…. err… hands. I like big hands
Would you rather not have sex for the rest of your life or be blind? Shockingly, I think I would rather not have sex O_O Yes, I know, but what another can do for me, sexually, I can do for myself. No one else can see for me ☹
If you could only read one book for the next six months what would it be? OH LAWD! Why do you do this to me? I am not much of a re-reader, so that this is a tough one… I don’t know – maybe a big, fat-ass romance anthology, you know, for some variety!
Your least favorite name for a woman's vagina in books? Only 1? Because there are a lot of them that really suck. Gate, Honey Hole… there are many that I dislike… What’s wrong with gold ole pussy or cunt? If we are talking about erotic books, those work just fine for me. Hell, they work fine for me in a regular romance when the characters are talking dirty or in the bedroom!
Would you rather be unable to read or bald? OMG! Hands down, I would rather be bald… for sure. My hair is about an inch long, so I’m confident I could rock the bald look.
If you could have drinks with one author who would it be? Aleatha Romig! Wait! No, I already had drinks with her… hmmm… Maybe Tara Sivec – that bitch is crazy! I’ll bet she is a total riot to chat with (I had drinks across the room from her in June, but that doesn’t count). She totally looks like a good time – speaking strictly friendly of-course
What is one trend in books right now that you hate? Fucking e-serials. I hate them! OMG! Just wait until the entire book is done and publish it!
What is the weirdest sex scene in a book you've ever read? Honestly, I was reading a book by an author I really love and the book was really great, but then there was a scene with felching (drinking cum from an orifice in another person’s body – in this case it was from the anus) in it and I think I threw up in my mouth a little. I was so grossed out that I had to stop the book because I was so scared I was going to have to read another scene like that. You looking for something like that or something like when Lacey Alexander made her character get it on with a cucumber? That was a bit strange.
When you don't like a book do you give the author a head's up before your review or do you just review? It depends. If it’s a book I picked up to read, then I rate it and review it and do not contact the author unless I have questions – I am very inquisitive. If it is a read to review I sometimes ask them if they are open to feedback – but it depends on what it was I didn’t like about the story. I used to pride myself on finishing every book, no matter what, but I get loads of requests to review books and honestly, life is just too short to read shit you don’t enjoy, so they go back on my shelf until I can give it another go. Sometimes, that time never comes. That is exactly why I have a disclaimer on my review site stating: acceptance of your title does not guarantee a review.
What's your most embarrassing moment? I don’t even have to think about this one. Really long story short, I was giving a presentation in a medical facility (the room was tight) in front of about 70 people. While I was presenting, I had my feet kind of crossed in a standing position – I was wearing patent leather shoes – those suckers don’t glide off each other, they stick – go ahead and try to make a pair of patent leather shoes glide off each other – it’s impossible. Anyhoo, someone tried to “squeeze” behind me and his belt got caught on the back of my shirt and I just toppled over – IN FRONT OF THE ENTIRE ROOM! I think I must have been out for a second because when I opened my eyes, I looked up into the eyes of 4 men standing over me – yes, just like in the movies. I finished my presentation – fighting tears and immediately went to the hospital and had to get xrays of my hip, knee and elbow. I had a huge knot on my head and a concussion. I ended up having to get some minor vein surgery – I was a total mess!
If they made a reality tv show about you what would it be about or called? I’d like to stay married, so I would never be on a reality show – they ALWAYS get divorced.
How did you get into blogging and/or why did you start your blog? I read a lot. I started writing reviews for myself – so I could keep up with what I have read and what it was about so I could recommend the appropriate books to the right people – I accidentally recommended a book with a ménage scene to my mom and she just about had a stroke! I have been reviewing on Goodreads since 2008 and started my blog in 2011 – the blog morphed into something totally unexpected and I became so busy that I added my real life friend and book fanatic as a co-contributor to the blog. We have lots of ideas for the future, so keep an eye on us!
In five words or less- Why should people read your blog? It’s chocked full of awesome!
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