Saturday, October 12, 2013

BtB Gets Nerdy With NerdGirl

Nerd Girl is a fun Blog with swag, reviews and fun for all...if you're a serious reader you don't want to miss their site!

Your name:
Gladys "the Nerd Girl" Gonzales     Melanie  the "NerdGirlVamp"  aka VampireLovingDork

What song best describes your work ethic?
Gladys - Is there one for ADHD??  Melanie keeps me straight.  She is everything right in our partnership.  My ideas always run away with wild horses and she reins me in...  She is my soul mate!  Imagine how upside down WE have been without each other the last 3 weeks!  Oh and look at this huge "blah blah" I just wrote!!!  Gosh....
Melanie - Awwwwwwww Yes we certainly work well together.  Hmmmmmm a song to describe my work ethic - Probably "Taking Care Of Business" lol  .... or is there one called Control Freak ..... that would probably work.

What is your 'real' life job?
Gladys - Being a MOM.  Before I went on temporary disability in January I worked at a Doctors office managing Medical Records/EMR systems. 
Melanie - Yep me too although my disability is permanent so I guess you could call this my real job.  Hey that is pretty awesome really!! On my bad days knowing I have this often keeps me sane .... that and Gladys.

A penguin walks through that door right now wearing a sombrero. What does he say and why is he here?
Gladys - Do you have a book on how to survive in Mexico??  He just wants to borrow a book from my mountain!  Sigh...  Happens all the time.  Melanie probably sent him.
Melanie - Yep I would looked up and said "Oh you must be looking for Gladys" and sent him over,  Probably wouldn't even find it weird :D

 If you had to be a character in any book who would it be?
Gladys - I honestly don't know.  I would love to be a kick ass heroine but I have a bleeding heart.  I would probably talk to the bad guys.  Sigh...

Melanie - ONE character???? Seriously??? Oh well ummmmm a vampire .... I would have to be a vampire but that is about as far as I can go .......

Would you rather not have sex for the rest of your life or be blind?
Gladys - Well can we elaborate on SEX???
Melanie - What kind of question is that lmao!!!! Hey if you are blind your other sense are heightened right .. hmmmmm that could be fun ....... Chapter 32 is all I say to that :D

 If you could only read one book for the next six months what would it be?
Gladys - Shadowfever by Karen Marie Moning
Melanie - The Crystal Singer Trilogy (Hey I have it in ONE book lol) by Anne McCaffrey.  Never tire of reading that

Your least favorite name for a woman's vagina in books?
Gladys - easy cunt.  
Melanie - Ditto!!

 Would you rather be unable to read or bald?
Gladys - Bald.  I shaved my head my freshman year in college.  I didn't look bad so why not.  Reading is fundamental.  Hair is just hair.
Melanie - I agree ..... and hey what better excuse to buy hats :D

 If you could have drinks with one author who would it be?
Gladys - Sarra Cannon.  We have been Internet friends since I stalked her regarding her Indy book Beautiful Demons.  I have become good friends with her and would really like to sit down and chat with her. 
Melanie - Hmmmmmm that is a tough one. Can I choose someone dead? I want to say Edgar Allen Poe.  I would love to talk with him.  

What is one trend in books right now that you hate?
Gladys - MERMAIDS 

Melanie - Shifters and Wolves ..... although that is not a new hate lol

What is the weirdest sex scene in a book you've ever read?
Gladys - I don't find anything strange :)
Melanie - Agreed ...... Let me say nothing I have read yet :D

 When you don't like a book do you give the author a head's up before your review or do you just review?
Gladys - I sit on the review for a minute then post it. I don't apologize for my opinion.  Mel and I make no excuses for our ladies who give bad reviews either.  We have a disclosure that says we provide HONEST reviews.  If you don't like it.  Don't ask. 
Melanie - Absolutely!!!!!  I even send them a disclaimer warning them that we publish without discussing it first.  We do make sure they are constructive though.  We don't just "bash"

What's your most embarrassing moment?
Gladys - I was actually talking to author MS Willis about how much of a klutz I am because her husband is from my neighborhood in Baltimore.  So when she visits we are going to a popular trail to go walking.  Me + outdoor stuff = automatic injury!  Lol..  So we exchanged klutz stories.  My most embarrassing moment was walking through Georgetown in DC with my girlfriends and walking right into a pothole!  Down I went!  All I remember is a car full of cut guys cracking up laughing and one saying "you lost a friend" sigh....
Melanie - Hmmmmm I have no idea. I am always doing embarrassing things.  Saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.  Probably the worst was when I said "poor cow" about a woman in a bar.  I was TRYING to be sympathetic but didn't realize that had totally different connotations in the USA (I am from England).  My poor husband had to jump in and save me from being lynched.

If they made a reality tv show about you what would it be about or called?
Gladys - Filabilly??  Half Filipino/half hillbilly.  I am Filipino and sadly my husband is a Hill Billy.  Just kidding...
Melanie - I had no idea so I asked my parents who happened to be home and my Mum says "Weird Girl!" and Dad says "Almost a Vampire" ..... guess that just about sums me up :D   I am a bit on the weird side ... my other blog is all about my vampy weirdness so I guess those are actually pretty accurate.

How did you get into blogging and/or why did you start your blog?
Gladys - I am a blogger???  Lol...
Melanie - Well I originally started blogging because a friend told me that my vampy weirdness should be shared.  I never really expected people to read them.  Then I started reviewing books and needed somewhere more suitable to write the reviews (so people didn't have to scroll through my vampy musings to find them) and then Gladys asked me to help her with Nerd Girl and it spiralled from there.

In five words or less- Why should people read your blog?
Gladys - Because Nerd Girls Rock!
Melanie - I agree .... Because Nerd Girls Are Awesome!!!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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