Wednesday, September 25, 2013

BtB Day Three- We're Honored to Bring You....

Book Boyfriend Reviews!!!! 

These three gals are a hoot and always have something to say.... Need a good laugh- read on peeps!
Show some love...

What is your name? Desirae/dee, Sandie, and Shannon

What song best describes your work ethic?
D: The first song that popped in my head was Pour some Sugar on me. Then it moved to ""you shook me all night long"". Can I run with that? I don't know how it applies to my work ethic. That question is too hard.
Sandie: holy hell ummm IDK if this was a sex question I would be all over work ethic, shit IDK...ok got it ""Taking Care of Business"" cuz I do.
Shannon: Eye of the Tiger

What is your 'real' life job?
D: I am an operational, legal and technology development support analyst for a bank
sandie: no seriously that is my job, just with out pay, benifits etc..or professional reader/reviewer LOL
shannon: Stay at home mom

A penguin walks through that door right now wearing a sombrero. What does he say and why is he here?
D: Hola, got any beer my amiga? and have you seen my pants? and he's here for my beer and to find his pants.. duh! His questions made that obvious. Or maybe it was my awesome personality that brought him to town.
sandie: ""damn bitch I made the margaritas get your ass back out here and lets swim....he's here to party duh!
shannon: Is it time to party?? Because I am ready

What question would you most like to have someone ask you?
D: can we come back to this?
sandie: will 10 million be enough?
shannon: You need a drink?

What's your favorite sexual position and why?
D: dear lord... jesus, are people going to read this? Ummm... doggy... because there are so many possibilities.
sandie: all sexual postions are my favorite, as long as my pussy is hugging my hubbys penis she is happy and so am I.
shannon: Doggie style because it’s in deep

What's your most embarrassing moment?
D: well this obviously is going to embarass me..I queefed once. Does that count? Are you going to publish this? Please don't publish that... ummm. it's embarassing when my parents talk about how they have hot monkey sex. it's also kind of nauseating. I like that answer better

sandie: hmmm I had a c-section with my last kid, Dr said you will have lots of gas. My son was in NICU so I went down to go visit him and I farted when the nurse walked in, I had no way to stop yeah that was embarassing.

shannon: Really I don’t have too many. I don’t embarrass too easily

If they made a reality tv show about you what would it be about or called?
D: Hillbilly heaven.. or Raunchy redneck.
sandie : It woould be about how amazing my family is and people would laugh at us becuz we are funny....not funny looking we are just funny.
shannon: Southern Bell

What is your favorite book or author and why?
D: You can't ask me that. its like asking me which is my favorite kid. Crap, I only have one...kid, that is. Okay. Ummm.. I'm totally into Fighting Destiny by Amelia Hutchins right now. Like it hit the top of my 2013 list. It was paranormal, and I don't usually dig those. Not only did it suck me in, but the main male character was raw, dominant, and hot, didn't hold back, and sexy as hell. Oh yeah, they have some. freaking. hot. sex. Need i say more?

sandie: WTF????? ummmm I can't pick just one, thats like asking which of mu kids is my favorite, sorry not happening.

shannon: Fifty Shades of Grey yes I know its cliché but Christian Grey stared all my dirty smut reading.

How did you get into blogging and/or why did you start your blog?
D: Around easter Sandie contacted me to partner with her because she was in school, and well..let's be honest. I'm awesome. So of course, who wouldn't want to work with her, well.. because she's awesome. So we started being awesome together. She's such a good Dom...I mean friend.

sandie: I got into blogging because an anuthor liked that I am very honest about the books I read. She said my voice needed to be heard plus she thinks I am hilarious, and my hubby was like yeah you read so damn much just DOOOO it, so here I am :)

shannon: Well Sandie and Dee were nice enough to give me a chance to do it and I love doing it.

In five words or less- Why should people read your blog?
D: Were fucking badass awesome chicks.
sandie: we are Funny, awesome, honest!

shannon: We are awesome

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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