Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Romantic Fiction With Reality HEA's

Why the Bloodlines Books will piss some people off.
#1- Not every book will have the HEA you THINK you want. Seriously folks. I prefer to write gritty love stories, not Disney-esque romances. 
#2- What does  'not the HEA you Think'  even mean?!-
Welp, the characters get closure. They get happy ever afters- based on what fits

Relationship Reality is like this...
The I've Fallen Out Of Love disillusion. 
Disillusioned is good. Seriously. It means you've stopped buying into the lie.
The lie being that marriage is like it is in romance novels and movies. Despite what the romance novels and movies tell you, you'll spend less time in the bedroom and more in front of the dishwasher or at parent teacher conferences and that is OKAY.
Happily Ever After is not real. Wait? What?!
You want  it to be a thing- but let's face it...we fall in love with book boyfriends and actors because its NOT reality. It's an escape from reality. We are conditioned to believe, to want  the Prince/Princess HEA and that the wedding is the finish line, but the wedding is the starting line. (GASP) True love isn't about being swept off your feet. Maybe you will feel that in the very beginning of the relationship but it sure as shit won't happen daily for the rest of your existence. Marriage isn't glamours.
Sex is a conundrum.
No one talks about this. Procreating comes naturally, but good sex lives don't. They take work. A lot of work. Talk to each other. Discuss needs/wants and what makes you each tick. One night stands or erotic insta-love might seem awesome in theory but there is no history there to help a person out! What do you like? What do they like? Are they faking it? Am I doing it right? Shit- this is hard. There are so many variables and damn near impossible to achieve XXX standards unless you truly know your partner and what they adore and then- are willing to give that to them. See... confusing. Where's my steamy, spicy insta-orgasm?!

So back to my books, welp, I like to write from a more honest POV on relationships. The reality escape is still there, but the HEA is subject to opinion. I feel my characters all get what they deserve but that doesn't always mean that you, the reader agrees. Life is messy. Life happens. Relationships fail and people move on. It happens. People love and move on and end up with other people.  Just because the person you want  them to end up with isn't who they end up with doesn't mean the character didn't get their HEA. It means - they get a different HEA and that's ok. That's life. Character's, fictional or not, need to grow and learn from love and life and experiences. They need that to give you the reader a full experience with them.

I want my books to evoke emotion, hate, anger, love, swooning, heartbreak, happiness, etc. If I make you feel any or all of those things then I've done a good job. It's fiction. It's an escape. It's honest, gritty and sometimes dark writing. HEA's take time. They come as needed to those who need them, but they take work. All characters, IMME, end up with who they are best suited for.

A reviewer on Amazon said:  "I know he's got his own book coming and as much as I want him to get his HEA I won't read it, when I read I invest myself in the characters and this author made me believe 100% that he was head over heels in love with Clara, so, how can I believe it when he falls for someone else while Clara is still in his life?"

I'll tell you how- because that happens in real life. You love, you lose, you move on and you DO find your HEA. The one truly meant for you. Happily ever afters happen when you find the person meant to stick by you... you don't always choose you who fall for, but regardless, if your heart gets broken, you pick yourself back up and recoup. It happens every. single. day. People fall in love, marry, divorce, be sad, pick themselves back up and find someone new to start the process all over again. That is the beauty of the human nature, the soul, the heart...we mend.


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